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The Human Behind the Professional

I had a good childhood in Springfield, Ohio, a quintessential American town. My father managed a local construction plant for our family business, providing us with a comfortable life.

At the age of 12, we relocated to Indianapolis, a transition that marked a significant growing pain for me. It was a challenging period as I was at the age of forming friendships and building relationships, only to have everything change abruptly.

I attended a private Christian school through the 12th grade, after which I decided to enroll at Indiana University in Indianapolis for my college education.

This was a time when the prevailing advice was to pursue a passion in college. Hence, I chose to study political science. Additionally, I joined the speech and debate team, which became the highlight of my college years.

On this debate team, I met the woman who would become the mother of my two beautiful children. Being a young parent was challenging, but in hindsight, it stands as the most rewarding experience of my life.

Seven years ago, our family moved to Florida to be closer to our relatives. Initially hesitant, the decision was cemented during the winter of 2015. I recall stepping out onto Massachusetts Avenue on a cold, windy evening, being hit by a blast of icy air, and realizing I was ready to move a thousand miles away from my family.

The transition was smoother than anticipated, a realization that became apparent during the Covid pandemic. The ability to have face-to-face conversations with distant family members at the press of a button was a revelation.

However, I still miss Indianapolis, my forever home. I particularly miss my nieces and nephews. The freedom to invest in family and relationships, allowing me to spend significant time with them annually, is something I cherish. This wouldn’t be possible in many other circumstances.

Regrettably, moving a thousand miles away also meant less time spent in pubs and at concerts, and more time embracing the potential life has to offer with family. For the past two years, I have dedicated myself to housing homeless veterans, aiding their transition to independence. I also volunteer at Discovery Church in Orlando, where I have found immense joy and formed strong relationships through the kids’ ministry.

That’s not to say I don’t enjoy a glass of wine, good music, and a lively atmosphere. But as I grow older, I find more pleasure in quieter moments, like sitting on the patio, watching my now-teenage children come and go. This marks the next phase of my life: becoming an empty nester at the age of 40!

I am greatly blessed!